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News Hub
Clothes, rent, meals – what is tax deductible?
What expenses are tax deductible for your small business? Meals with clients, mortgage interest payments, and work uniforms could all be claimable – our quick Q&A will help you learn more.
5 signs you’re undercharging
Are you undercharging for your fees? We’ve got the five warning signs that can help you diagnose whether your prices are too low.
Minimum wage to rise in line with inflation from April 1
The minimum wage is rising as of April 1, to $22.70. Need to review your pricing? Get in touch, we are here to help.
How to Choose the Right Accountant for Your Business
Choosing an Accountant for your business is an important step in every business journey. There are a number of things to take into account when choosing your business accountant to make sure they meet your requirements.
What is inventory accounting? - And why it's important
Tracking stock levels, costs and profit on every product you sell can get pretty complex – no wonder so many businesses have a fuzzy understanding of their inventory. But inventory accounting is too important to ignore. We can help. #SmallBusiness
The importance of goodwill in your business
Building goodwill in your business adds to its value. And potentially gives you a competitive advantage. We’ve got 5 key ways to improve goodwill in your business, and how this adds to the value of your company. #goodwill #businesstips
Get ready for 2023 with our Christmas e-book
The end of another year is in sight! As 2022 draws to a close, it’s time to start looking to the future.
Tax Pooling offers a flexible way to pay tax
Would you prefer to pay your income tax when it suits you? Tax Pooling is an IRD approved, established service that lets you choose the date you pay your income tax. Talk to us about tax pooling.
Cash is not profit and vice versa
Cash is King. To work out how fast you can grow your business, you need to look at your projected cashflow. Talk to us. We are here to help.
Christmas Donations: The Tax Upside
Giving is good! Donations not only help the charities that receive them, but they can boost your happiness and provide you with tax credits.
Tricky tax questions at Christmas time
Too many things on your to-do list before Christmas? Take a minute to think about whether your plans for the festive season have covered the tax implications.
A guide to managing your business finances over the festive season
The Christmas season can be a hectic time for businesses. Whether you are racing to get projects across the line before closing or preparing for an onslaught of seasonal custom, there is an ever-growing list of tasks that need your attention.
Christmas gifts for your customers and team
It’s time to start thinking about Christmas gifts – how should you reward your team and thank your top customers? We've got some ideas and can help you run the numbers for your Christmas budget.
Parties and Presents - and Tax!
‘Tis the season to have a thousand and one things to think of. Are you planning events? Are you shopping for gifts? Let us help you with the tricky tax questions for your business.
5 ways to reduce your business energy bills
With prices skyrocketing, your business needs a plan for cutting its energy costs. We’ve chosen five simple ways to reduce your consumption and energy bills.
GST invoice rules are changing – making life easier
Inland Revenue is making changes to tax invoices – so e-invoicing is now legal even without a PDF or any paperwork. Is this the time to switch to a safer invoice method?
The benefits of family advisory boards
For family businesses, establishing an advisory board can be a great way to future proof the business, keep communication lines open amongst family and bring in expert advisers so everyone understands how the business is performing against its goals.
Are you making the most of your business data?
Are you getting the most from your business data? Your app stack generates a goldmine of insightful data every day. We’ll help you find the important information nuggets.
How high will mortgage rates go?
Do we need to get used to 6% mortgage interest rates again? And what can you do if you’re coming off a fixed term and facing higher repayments?
Business tips: Selling up and moving on – what happens next?
You’ve sold your business and have the money burning a hole in your pocket. What happens next? We’ve got some great options for your post-exit life to consider.